Who Needs ISO 27001 Certification?

The ISO 27001 standard, assists organizations in organizing their processes, people, and technology. ISO 20071 was created to protect information availability, confidentiality, and integrity. The ISO 27001 Certification focuses on a company's Information Security Management System (ISMS), which defines how information security has been integrated into its business processes. ISO certification requires businesses to identify information security threats in their systems and the controls that will address them. ISO 27001 has 114 controls organized into 14 categories. There is no obligation to implement the entire ISO 27001 control set. ISO certification, and other certifications of compliance such as SOC 2, have the primary purpose of demonstrating to your clients and customers that security is a top priority. ISO 27001 is widely regarded as the global gold standard for safeguarding information and data security. To determine whether your firm needs ISO 27001...